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Home » National Apprenticeship Week 2024 – Meet Adam Plews

National Apprenticeship Week 2024 – Meet Adam Plews

    As we celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, we’re thrilled to spotlight Adam Plews, a Sales Executive at Agena Group. With a keen eye for client relations and a dedication to achieving sales and customer service, Adam brings invaluable expertise to our sales team.

    Hi Adam, ok lets get started! We’re hosting a talent show, and everyone at The Agena Group has to showcase a hidden talent. What would be your talent?

    I was really struggling with this one. I even asked my brother for ideas this morning, since he sits opposite me in the office. But I just couldn’t come up with anything impressive. The only things that came to mind are a few oddities about me: I can make a sound similar to a dolphin, I can pop my thumbs in and out of their sockets, and I have a finger that doesn’t straighten properly due to a past injury. So, those are some weird things about me. Yeah, that’s all I’ve got.

    If you could pick one project or task that you found particularly interesting or challenging, what would it be, and what did you learn from that experience?

    One project that stands out to me is the organisational structure project. It was particularly interesting because it significantly improved my time management skills. By implementing this structure, I learned how to allocate time effectively for various tasks, prioritise important activities, and ultimately enhance productivity. This project encouraged me to plan my day meticulously and continuously seek ways to optimise my daily workflow.

    How do you prioritise your tasks when faced with multiple deadlines or competing priorities?

    I utilise the Eisenhower matrix as one of the methods I previously mentioned for organising tasks. This involves assessing all tasks based on deadlines and importance, prioritising those that require immediate attention. Additionally, I employ a checklist to track completed tasks, ensuring nothing is overlooked. This checklist is also prioritised, allowing for a clear understanding of which tasks need to be addressed first.

    If you could organise a themed office party, what would be the theme?

    I think an 80s theme would be interesting. Seeing the unique clothing styles from that era would be cool. People dressing up in different styles would add to the fun. While I’m not familiar with all the clothing trends from the 80s, it would be intriguing to see the creative outfits people come up with.

    What professional accomplishment from the past year are you most proud of, and how did it positively impact your team or the company as a whole?

    I achieved the goal of getting more than one ANPR site live within my first year, reaching three in total. This accomplishment was viewed as impressive by some colleagues, including my manager Martyn, who shared that he didn’t achieve this milestone in his first year. This achievement positively impacted both the company and the team, due to the quality and performance of these sites.

    If you had the chance to switch roles with any colleague for a day, whose role would you choose, and what do you think you would enjoy most about it?

    I find the role of a Warden really interesting. It would be somewhat satisfying to ticket people who park irresponsibly and help increase compliance on private land. While it might seem fun in some ways, it also provides a different perspective from my usual office or site meeting environment. I briefly experienced this role when I first started at the company as I started in appeals, but then transitioned to sales. It would be intriguing to spend a full day in this role, patrolling different sites and observing the day these colleagues have.

    As you reflect on your apprenticeship, how do you envision your role evolving in the next year? Are there specific skills or areas you’re eager to explore or develop further?

    I believe I’m evolving in this role. I’m becoming more independent and stepping out of my shell, which is important given that I’m on an apprenticeship. I want to push myself to be just like anyone else within the sales team, without being treated differently or having less responsibility. I’m keen to explore and develop skills further, particularly in making productive cold calls and presenting face-to-face proposals with clients. I do try to go out and about at least once a week to meet clients.

    If your role at The Agena Group had a theme song, what would it be and why?

    I was struggling to think of something for this, and the only thing that came to mind was the intro to ‘The Big Bang Theory’. The fast pace and variety of things happening reminded me of the role, where you must be on the ball and quick to react with so much going on around you. It might sound silly, but it made sense in my head.

    If you were the host of a podcast featuring stories and experiences of within Agena Group, who would be your first guest, and what captivating story do you think they would share?

    I would definitely choose Finlay. He has a lot of interesting stories, although some might not be suitable for this context. He also has stories of overcoming challenging situations that initially seemed dire but ended up turning into successful outcomes. He really could have a series to himself!

    Why would you recommend becoming an apprentice at Agena?

    Unlike many other apprenticeships, this one offers a competitive wage. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the amount of learning opportunity both on the job and through the apprenticeship course, and how they complement each other. The qualification received afterwards is excellent and sets a strong foundation for a career in sales. Martyn explained how the qualifications obtained are managerial in nature, aligning with the work we’re currently doing on the course, which involves managing our own sales teams. For someone interested in a sales career, learning these skills is invaluable. The support from coaches and Martyn ensures everything runs smoothly, making the experience incredibly rewarding.

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